
トンバク (トンバック)


サントゥール.gifサントゥール Santor
Bowstring percussion instrument of 72 bowstrings. It is said a cembalo and a piano prototype The metal is put on the body of a wooden trapezoid type by four a couple. I perform beating the bowstring with a long and slender stick plectrum in both hands.

セタール.gifセタール Setar
Four stringed instrument of bowstring. I transmogrify it to the samisen via the silk road. Four. In [se], "3" and the tar are themeanings"Bowstring". metallic bowstrings nowI play and perform the bowstring by packing the finger that centers on the forefinger of the right hand.

たーる.gifタール Tar
The body is a walnut, and the emulsion side puts sheep's leather. I put the skin of the lamb on the body of the letterform of eight that turns
over the tree. Six metallic bowstrings bowstringsplay and perform the bowstring with the pick that hardens propolis to the metal piece.   

タンブール.gifタンブール Tanboor
Plucked string instruments with four bowstrings in long pole.
Wooden resonance trunk of semicircle ball.
I have shape and Performance different according to the extension region in
Islamic culture. Performancein Persia to which four finger use is peculiar.

楽器2.jpgキャマンチェ Kamanche
I put goat and sheep's skins on a small body, and perform four metallic
bowstrings with the bow. When the played bowstring is changed, I do not move the bow but the spike goes out of the body, and the body is rotated.

ダフ.gifネイとダフ  Ney&Daf

Ney/ Length whistle that turned over reed. perform applying the blowing mouth protected by the metal to the front tooth, blowing, and crowding.
Daf/ Iran is a large-scale frame drum seen in Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, and other west Asia. It is used by both a traditional music and popular music.
The one of Persia is installed the circle of the metal in the entire frame internally and shakes with the rhythm.







About the music of Iran

The history of the music of Iran is old and long.
The one written about the musician in Iran has been discovered from [susaeramu] in
2700 in B.C..
Moreover, the native musical instrument of Iran that had been created from the
counterplan at that time became roots of modern various musical instruments.
Forming and the tone enchant modern people.
The technique of the tradition is handed down.
The melody of Persia from old times is performed more beautifully at present.

● ペルシャ民族楽器の販売を致します。

● 楽器の修理をお受け致します。